Georgia Power Lineman Burned In Gas Explosion
A Georgia Power lineman was severely burned in a Georgia work accident while installing a utility pole in Milton, Georgia. Authorities say 25-year-old Kylan Warren of Acworth was caught in the explosion, and has suffered 80% burns to his entire body. Apparently, a device used to drill the hole for the utility pole struck the gas line, causing the explosion.
Prior to placing utility poles, the gas company is called out to the site to mark the location of the lines, so that when the lineman goes to the jobsite (where he probablly uses a digger derrick such as the one pictured below), he knows where to dig and where not to dig. A lineman is not expected to do anything other than rely on the marks placed by the gas company when setting up his digger derrick and placing the utility pole.
According to published reports, the bucket in which Mr. Warren was working was completely engulfed in flames and basically melted. In addition to claims against the gas company, the injured Georgia worker may consider pursuing claims against the bucket truck manufacturer for product defect. A bucket truck which will be used near high voltage lines and gas lines should be fire retardant and protect the lineman.
The Flynn Law Firm is currently representing injured lineman in product liability and work injury cases. Jonah Flynn understands how lineman do their work, how difficult overhead power line work can be, and helps injured lineman recover for their pain, suffering, medical bills, and significant lost wages which will be incurred after a work injury.