Some states, like California and Massachusetts have adopted the “ABC” test for determining whether a worker is an independent contractor or employee. In states usingRead More
Wage Theft
Staff Nursing Wage Theft: Misclassified Nurses and Stolen Overtime
Recently, nurse medical staffing companies have come under fire for claiming the nurses they hire and place are “independent contractors” not entitled to overtime. NurseRead More
Firefighter Overtime Lawsuits: Fire Departments Improperly Classify Firefighters and Chiefs as “Exempt”
FIRST RESPONDERS ARE ENTITLED TO OVERTIME Firefighters across the nation have filed numerous firefighter overtime lawsuits under the FLSA, alleging that their overtime compensation hasRead More
Tipped Employees and the “80/20 Rule”
The Federal tip credit: The Federal FLSA allows employers of tipped employees to take a tip credit of up to $5.12 per hour against theRead More
Massachusetts Wage Theft: Employees Often Misclassified as Contractors under “ABC” Test
Massachusetts has what many consider to be the strictest test for whether or not a worker is an independent contractor. Under Massachusetts law, a workerRead More
Dancer Wage Theft: House Fees Are Illegal
Dancer wage theft is rampant. In many clubs, dancers are misclassified as “independent contractors” and don’t get paycheck. They are also forced to pay “houseRead More
Curaleaf Wage Theft: After being sued for wage theft violations, , Curaleaf Announces Store Closures
Curaleaf wage theft has been at issue in several recently filed lawsuits against Curaleaf Holdings. In a recent Illinois case, Curaleaf was accused of tipRead More
Time Clocks Are Stealing Your Wages
Time clocks—computers used every day by hourly and shift workers—can be programmed to steal your wages. Companies program these time clocks to “round” your timeRead More
Tips Belong to the Worker: Who is a “manager?”
Under Oregon wage law, and under Federal Wage Law, tips belong to the worker. Managers cannot participate in a tip pool or tip sharing program.Read More
Servers and Bartenders: Is Your Employer Stealing Your Tips?
When you work at a restaurant, night club, or adult entertainment establishment, your employer probably has a tip-pool in place. In theory, tip-pooling can ensureRead More