Family of Mesothelioma Victim Wins Trial
Mesothelioma, a cancer of the lungs and chest lining, has killed thousands of industrial workers and construction workers who worked with asbestos during their careers. Recently, the family of one such worker was awarded $2.25 Million in a mesothelioma lawsut in New York. Asbestos lawsuits, including mesothelioma lawsuits, have been filed for the last 30 years on behalf of refinery workers, paper machine operators, and those in industry who worked with asbestos.
Ronald Drabczyk was a repairman in an industrial plant, and repaired asbestos containing valves made by Fisher Controls. The jury found that Fisher had acted with reckless disregard with respect to Mr. Drabczyk’s safety, and was 100% liable for his death and punitive damages.
Jonah Flynn is a Georgia mesothelioma attorney. Asbestos was widely used in manufacturing, industrial, military and construction trades through the last century. The number of deaths caused by mesothelioma continues to rise, largely due to the latency period of mesothelioma.